CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support - Assessment Activities

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Assessment Activities

Activity 3A

  • Explain how you would monitor your own work to ensure the required standard of support is maintained.
  • Role Play Activity
    Get into pairs. One of you is the worker; the other is the client.
    Create a hypothetical situation in which the worker has been supporting the client.
    You need to demonstrate that you can discuss how the worker is meeting the needs of the client. You should also work together to identify and requirements for change.

Activity 3B

  • List examples of aspects within an individualised care plan that may need reviewing. Be as specific as you can.

Activity 3C

  • Role Play Activity
  • Get into groups of 3. One person is the worker, one is the client and the other is the supervisor. Act out how you would discuss a change to the client’s individualised plan with each other.
  • In your own words, define self-determination.
  • How can you ensure that you support your client’s self-determination when in discussion with them and your supervisor?

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