Assessment Task 4
Task 4.1
Evaluate Project Performance
Create a Project Performance Report which includes:
- Outcomes vs Objectives (from Project Charter)
- Test results
- Project performance metrics (planned vs actual)
Task 4.2
Lessons Learnt
Create an Agenda for the Post Implementation Review workshop for the project team. Be sure to include:
- The names / roles of those invited.
- A list of the questions that will be asked
Create an Agenda for the Post Implementation Review workshop for the remaining stakeholders. Be sure to include:
- The names / roles of those invited.
- A list of the questions that will be asked
The workshops go well with lots of input from all stakeholders. Write up the findings in a report.
Task 4.3
Project Handover
Prepare a project handover document that includes:
- Deliverables / documents / materials list
- Checklist of completed closure tasks
- Outstanding tasks and ongoing responsible parties
- Known ongoing risks
- Outstanding change requests / future improvements / recommended next steps
- Project sponsor acceptance sign-off
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