BMA735 Management Ethics - Individual Reflective Report

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Assessment Task 2b

For this assessment task, you are to assume that the workplace/ organisation you investigated, as a group, is where you are employed. Your role as an employee is that of a business researcher that has been tasked to provide a report about your specific topic, to the top management of your workplace/ organisation.

The body of the report will need to

  • identify and critically analyse the ethical challenges and successes that arose during the research process as a group- provide your group’s dynamics
  • use relevant ethics literature, ethics theories, philosophies and concepts studied during the semester; each theory used has to be explained the first time with academic citations.
  • provide a reflection of your personal ethical foundation, and how it impacts your decisions.

You will need to answer the following questions:

  • What were some of the challenges that you faced individually within the group during the process from research to presentation?
  • Why did you feel the way you did?
  • What were some of the successes during the investigation?
  • Where do your ethics come from? [religion, philosophy, family, government, society], and how do they influence your decisions as an individual?
  • Did you as an have an influence in group research and presentation?
  • How does literature, ethics theory or philosophy supports your ethical foundation and why?

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