Task Details :
This is a student initiated assignment which can take the form of a traditional essay, You will be expected to provide a discussion of equality diversity and social justice which reflects an issue which you have encountered and are able to theorise and reflect on the way your learning from the module has helped you to improve your practice either currently or in the future.
If you are. practitioner or professional currently working in the education sector, you can draw upon an experience from the viewpoint of a professional. If you do NOT currently work in an educational institution, you can draw upon your experiences as a student or pupil.
- Pick an example of a social justice issue that you have experienced (as practitioner or student/pupil)
- Consider which form of justice the issue currently represents.
- Undertake an exploration of relevant research into your issue. I.e. (Attainment of primary education children from Black, Minority Ethnic backgrounds). Use academic sources such as books and journals to discuss the issue and its potential causes and suggested strategies to combat it.
- Make links to social theories that may have influenced or explain the issue (I.e. Critical Race theory)
- Consider how overlapping factors can pose greater issues (pupils who are BME but also from economically deprived backgrounds)
- Consider the concepts above and which strategies you would consider employing within your current/future role to combat this issue. Consider which type of justice you feel this now represents.
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