BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design And Development - Assessment 2: Project 1

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Assessment 2

Part D – Test templates and review instruction sheets

You must organise 3 peers to test your template and provide you with feedback.

1. Create a brief feedback questionnaire with no more than 5 questions about the effectiveness of the templates you have created. Your questionnaire must survey readers about:

  1. Whether the template is easy to read and understand (language and layout), and serves its purpose
  2. Whether the instructions for template use are easy to follow
  3. Whether the automation you have set up works consistently
  4. Whether there are any improvements and amendments necessary

2. Identify 3 peers (e.g. classmates, colleagues, etc.) to test your templates. Provide each person with access to both your templates, their related excel databases (Appendices E and G), instruction sheets for both templates, and 2 copies of the questionnaire (one for each template).

Instruct each person to use each template, following the instruction sheets, and complete one feedback questionnaire for each template. Gather the two completed feedback questionnaires from each of your 3 peers.

3. Analyse feedback questionnaire and prepare a brief report (no more than 150 words long) on the feedback you have received from your peers about the templates. In your report, you must:

  1. Summarise the feedback received from your peers about the template
  2. Identify any issues with the templates and instruction sheets, or suggestions for improvements provided by your peers
  3. Identify amendments you will need make to the templates and instruction sheets

4. Make the necessary amendments to both your templates and both instruction sheets based on peer feedback and ensure that any new automation works. If no amendments or changes are required after testing, you may re-submit the templates and instruction sheets as they are.

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