Medication Audit - Assessment 2

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During your Professional Experience Placement (PEP), you will be required to undertake a clinical audit of medication of three (3) individuals for whom you provide care. The aim of this assessment task is to highlight the importance of the role and responsibility of the Registered Nurse in safely administering medications. Your work should highlight your understanding and link to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard 4: Medication Safety (2017)

Whilst on placement:

  • Select three (3) patients.
  • For each of these patients choose two (2) medications.

When undertaking the audit, you must apply the framework of clinical reasoning. You will need to consider the person’s individual context; collect and process cues relevant to the person’s situation and administration of the medications, with reference to the physiological effects of the medication. You must demonstrate a sound application of clinical reasoning in the safe administration of the medication and the evaluation of its effectiveness on the person’s condition while keeping to the 1500-word limit. This task weights 40% of your overall grade for the unit and a marking rubric will be provided to you to help guide your work.

  • You must use the template below.
  • Within the template you can either write in prose and/or use dot points.

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