CAR20001 Future Work Skills - Assignment 2 Labour Market

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Write a report on a specific graduate occupation (e.g. mechanical engineer, historian) that is relevant to your current studies and/or career interests. The content of the report must be based on the most current, credible and relevant sources (no older than 5 years).

1. About the Occupation

a. Target Occupation: Briefly outline your personal reason for selecting this occupation and the geographic area/s you will focus your graduate job search (Australia, Victoria, Melbourne or elsewhere).

b. Position Description: Use the Position Description Template (located on canvas in 5.2 Labour Market Research – Activities) and at least 5 different credible sources to construct a fully referenced (in-text), comprehensive Position Description for yourtarget occupation. Sources may include one or more from any of the categories below (you do not need to have one from each category):

i. Job ads (include in an appendix)
ii. Career sites like the Job Outlook
iii. Relevant professional association sites
iv. Relevant employer sites
v. Australian Bureau of Statistics ANZSCO site
vi. An informational interview with someone employed in the occupation

c. Entry and Support: Provide a summary of:

i. The pathways for graduates to enter the occupation (e.g. apprenticeships, internships, graduate programs or specific junior roles)
ii. The main organisations that represent or support people working in this occupation (e.g. professional associations, registration boards, unions) and the benefits they offer to the career planning process.

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d. Future Work: Provide a brief analysis using the Davies, et al. (2011) and Fidler (2016)
readings to:

i. Describe the impact of ONE of the Drivers of Change on the current projected future demand for this occupation
ii. Explain the relevance of ONE of the Future Work Skills to this occupation (i.e. explain why it is relevant).

e. Career Planning: Conduct a self-assessment based on the information you researched for this section. Provide a brief summary of your current:

i. Strengths - including your current level of skills, relevant experience, connection with industry (people and groups)
ii. Focus for improvement/development – including skills, relevant experience, connection with industry (people and groups).

2. Sample Employer – choose a potential employer in your geographic focus area that employs people in your target occupation and that interests you.

a. Target employer: Briefly outline:

i. your reason for choosing this employer to study
ii. the main purpose of the employer’s business
iii. how this employer recruits new staff.

b. Decision Factors: Using both primary (e.g., employer’s website or an interview with someone working there) and secondary (external to the organisation) sources of information, provide:

i. a summary at least 4 factors about this employer that would help you decide if you wanted to work for them (e.g. values, size, type of clients/projects, work conditions, reputation)
ii. A brief explanation of why these factors are important for you
iii. A brief discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the sources you have used and how this might impact your career planning decisions and actions.

c. Drivers of Change: Based on your research, provide a brief referenced discussion about one or more or the Drivers of Change (Davies, et al., 2011) that:
i. may have impacted this employer over the past 5 years and/or
ii. that are expected to impact in the next 5 years.

d. Career Planning: Based on the information you researched for this section, briefly comment on:
i. strategies you would include in your career planning to help you gain employment with this organisation – make sure you link these strategies to the information you found.

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