AYB200 Financial Accounting - Business Report

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Assessment Task:

You are asked to prepare a report for presentation to other accounting staff. After some contemplation, you decide to focus on the following three points in your report:
(1) Summarise the main requirements of current regulation that applies to listed Australian companies in respect of non-GAAP measures. In addition, outline any proposed regulation that may impact non-GAAP measures;
(2) Discuss whether Non-GAAP measures provide informative (decision-useful) or opportunistic (misleading) financial information to investors. Use a minimum of four academic studies (two for each side), and one real world example to support your arguments (refer to criteria on page 5 to further maximise your marks);
(3) Provide a position statement on whether the regulations identified in part (1) are/will be effective in preventing the opportunistic use of non-GAAP measures, or should non-GAAP measures be banned? Your team leader makes it very clear that the paper should be presented in simple language and in an interesting, easy-to-read manner.

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