Employment Law - Assessment Task

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Question 1

Watch the following YouTube clip. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lULH-eTHxA (Links to an external site.) 


    • Advise Leanne and Kenny about their legal rights.  For example, you could discuss racial discrimination. Race is a protected attribute attribute in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth). 
    • Ensure you refer to relevant sections and relevant case law (if applicable); Marks will be deducted if you discuss laws which are not relevant.
  • Discuss Federal (Commonwealth) legislation only. Do not discuss state legislation (ie Victorian legislation).
  • When discussing discrimination, you should identify whether the discrimination is direct discrimination or indirect discrimination.
  • Discuss the process of taking the matter to a court or a tribunal. For example, if Leanne and Kenny complained to Australian Human Rights Commission, what is the process?  Will it investigate first?  Then conciliate?

 (20 marks)

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