SAFE20011 - Angie works with cattle in an outdoor environment. This is very dusty work and she is normally removing dust from her clothes at the end of the day. The cattle graze on a mix of fresh grass and stored hay. After spreading the pesticide via an old tractor, Angie often complains of headaches and has shortness of breath.

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Assignment 1

Please select one (1) case study from the list below.

You need to identify all possible health and hygiene hazards and then focus on two (2) hazards in detail. One from the chemical hazard group and one from the biological hazard group

  1. Steve is the office manager for an accounting firm. His office roof has recently started to become water stained and there appears to be some sort of fungi starting to grow. They also have a very old laser photocopier and no plants in the office.  
  2. Angie works with cattle in an outdoor environment. This is very dusty work and she is normally removing dust from her clothes at the end of the day. The cattle graze on a mix of fresh grass and stored hay. After spreading the pesticide via an old tractor, Angie often complains of headaches and has shortness of breath.
  3. Dave is a painter. He is repainting a room that was first painted in the 1950’s. He can see that there are two layers of paint that need to be removed using a sander before he starts the painting job. He can also see mould growth in the corner of the room.
  4. Lenny is a prison guard. During his normal job he has to inspect and “pat down” inmates using latex gloves. Often while patting down inmates Lenny recovers used needles. It is also common for some of the inmates to spit at Lenny and other guards. During cleaning of the cells Lenny oversees the use of hypo 10% solution.   
  5. Peal is a taxidermist. When she collects the animals they are not always treated. She is exposed to many chemicals during her work but has been told from colleges about the impacts from formaldehyde and that it is a carcinogen.
  6. Joel works for a chemical dosing company. He is concerned about the concentrations of biocide that he is required to put into a waste water treatment system but does not wear any PPE. When the biocide enters the waste water treatment system, Joel can see that the water and matter is disturbed.

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