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BSB52415 Assessment 2: Market Research and Trends Report

You will need to conduct research and any information you obtain and use, will need be referenced correctly. If copying or quoting from a source use the correct referencing (Harvard Style). 

Read the assessment and case study carefully and clarify any areas you are unsure of with your trainer before commencing.

Case Study: Ethical Trading Group

The Ethical Trading Group (ETG) provides a range of ethically sourced and produced products around Australia.


The Ethical Trading Company have developed all the necessary policies, procedures and financial reports to monitor and review all their business practices on a regular basis to ensure there is continual growth in all areas of the business.

One of the key products sourced and sold by ETG are coffee beans. ETG also own and operate a coffee shop to promote their passion for sustainability and community by providing ethically sourced and produced products to the Australian market. 

The coffee products used by The Ethical Trading Company are sourced globally and supports communities on a global scale by purchasing quality products which have been bought, based on fair trade best practice. 

As part of the review of current business operations it has been decided that ETG want to promote and sell an organic coffee which has been sourced from Byron Bay in NSW. The coffee is produced by Mean Beans Coffee Company who have been producing chemical free organic coffee beans globally for over ten years. Mean Beans Coffee Company are certified organic and have a target market and demographic which is consistent to that identified in the ETG Marketing Plan. 

Before they introduce the new beans to the market you need to conduct the necessary research to determine if the product aligns to values and niche market being targeted by ETG and if it will be economically viable for the business.  

In line with the ETG marketing plan, the next stage of the marketing process for this new product will require research and analysis to:

  • interpret market trends for organic coffee by using appropriate methods of research analysis 
  • determine the impacts of the trends for organic coffee on ETG and review the comparative business performance 
  • identify any possible opportunities or threats to the marketing and business goals which have been established.

Once you have completed your research analysis you will need to develop a presentation which details your findings and evaluation. The presentation will need to be delivered to the senior management team at a date to be confirmed.

Assessment Overview:

For this assessment you will need complete a research analysis of the market trends, developments and opportunities for ETG and the potential impacts they may have on the business. Review the comparative business performance and identify any possible opportunity or threat to the marketing and business goals which have been established based on other organic coffee suppliers in Australia or globally. 

HINT: Review the market trends established in Section 2.1.3 in the ETG Group Marketing Plan.

Apply two (2) types of software when documenting the findings of your analysis as they will be utilised when developing the presentation in Assessment 3.

Activity Instructions: 

For this activity you need to research and interpret trends and market developments specifically for organic coffee products in Australia. This will establish if there are opportunities to promote and market the Mean Beans Coffee Company products purchased by ETG (Case Study).

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