HNB3209 Nursing And Community Assignment Help

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Assessment 2: Written assessment - Essay

Number of words: 2000 Value: 30% Due date: Monday, 9 September 2019 by 12 midnight - Electronic submission via VU Collaborate

Essay topic:

Choose a chronic disease from the list below and critically discuss how you would support self- management of your client/patient living with this chronic illness in the community.
Your discussion should include (but NOT be limited to) the following: Main causes and brief pathophysiology (in simple terms - as you would explain it to your patient): impact of the disease on the individual and family/carers: health promotion; cultural safety; empowerment.
Choose one of the following chronic diseases

a) Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)/Stroke

b) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

c) Chronic Kidney Disease

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