BSBLDR511 Develop And Use Emotional Intelligence Assignment Help

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BSBLDR511 Assessment Task 3: Implement Professional Development Processes

Part B – Train Employee


Based on the email, you are to complete the following task:
Your assessor will be playing the role of the Human Resources Consultant, with a fellow student playing the role of the Contract Specialist for the purpose of this activity. Your assessor will also inform you of the date, time and location for the meeting.
You will have 15-20 minutes for your meeting and training session. You may present the information in any way that you deem most effective, however, the Professional Development Policy & Procedures must not be read word for word. Suggestions include: using hand drawn flow charts, a whiteboard, PowerPoint presentations, and using scenarios or stories to engage the participant and draw attention to the importance of developing emotional intelligence and developing professionally.
During the meeting you are required to:
▪ Provide the attendees with a copy of the template for the Self-Evaluation Form, Professional Development Plan, and the Professional Development Policy & Procedures.
▪ Train the attendees in the Professional Development Policy & Procedures you have developed.
▪ Have the attendees complete the Self-Evaluation Form in preparation for an upcoming professional development meeting.
Ensure you provide opportunities along the way for staff members to ask any questions they may have to confirm their understanding, or further clarify anything.


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