MGT5ERN EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS - FairWork Commission Case Study

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Case Study Instructions (2000 Words) Minimum 6 reference in APA format.

Imagine you are working at the FairWork Commission in the office of the President, Justice Iain Ross AO.  Justice Ross has asked you to conduct an analysis of one key industrial dispute that has shaped Australian Employment Relations.  Your analysis will form the basis of a lecture he is giving at LaTrobe  University in three months time.

Justice Ross has asked you to select one of the following workplace disputes:

  • The Qantas lockout of employees in 2011
  • The 1989 Pilot’s strike
  • The 1986 50 day Victorian Nurses strike
  • 1998 Australian Waterfront dispute
  • The CFMEU-Grocon dispute
  • Or another industrial dispute (approved by the teaching staff)

You should undertake research from academic journals, books, industry sources and the media about your chosen dispute and write a Report which addresses the following issues and questions:

Q1. What was the dispute about? Provide background information to the factors that precipitated the dispute if necessary and explain how the dispute unfolded.

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