CO4754 | Assignment 1 – Reassessment 1


This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL piece of work that is split into two parts:

Part 1 is a group activity. As part of a User Centred Design team, you are required to identify and try to solve a design problem using personas to identify archetypal users. The personas will be used to aid in the creation of prototypes for the design space. You will then be required to present your designs to the class.

In part 2 you are required to reflect on, and critique, one method from the design process. The form of submission is a written report of 500 words.

Tasks and Submissions:

Part 1: Group work and presentation carries 70% of the mark for the assignment and consists of participation in the group design task, appropriate utilisation of methods and a group presentation.

  • Group design task (25%) measured by participation and effective group work during the design
  • Appropriate utilisation of methods (15%) demonstrated during the practical teaching aspect of the class and the
  • Group presentation (30%) measured by quality of the presentation and ability to answer questions from the

Part 2: Project report (500 words) carries 30% of the mark for the assignment, and it consists of a critique of one of the design methods used by your group. This report is an INDIVIDUAL component of the assignment.

  • Using academic literature to support your arguments, write a critique of a user centred design method that your team employed during the design process (personas, scenarios, storyboarding, prototyping etc). Introduce the method, consider how the method contributed to your design solution, and, the benefits and drawbacks of using the method in the design

The mark scheme for this assignment can be found at the end of this document.


  • The lecture and tutorial materials from week 1 to week 5 are to be used as preparation and support time for this assignment. You will be working on the assignment in your tutorial sessions with support from your
  • Academic papers on the main user centred design methods that you will be using in this assignment have been provided on

Examples of presentation slides from previous groups will be provided in tutorial sessions.


Assessment Release date: 4th October 2021

Assessment Deadline Date and time: Individual report      - 12th November 2021

Group presentation – Week beginning 8th November 2021 (In tutorial) Please note that this is the final time you can submit – not the time to submit!

Your feedback/feed forward and mark for this assessment will be provided by 3rd December 2021. Feedback will also be given during your after your presentation


  • Group presentation – will take place the week beginning 8th November 2021 in your tutorial session. These presentations will be recorded for marking

Individual report – should be submitted through the Turnitin link of Blackboard on Friday 12th November 2021 (by midnight)

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