CSE2/4DBF Assignment 2 - Database SQL Queries

CSE2/4DBF 2021 

Assignment 2 (20%) 

Due date: 11:59pm Friday, October 15th 2021 


to perform queries on a relational database system using SQL; 

to demonstrate an advanced knowledge of stored procedures, stored functions and triggers. 

This is an individual Assignment. You are not permitted to work as a group when writing this  assignment. 

Copying, Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the submission of somebody else’s work in a manner that gives  the impression that the work is your own. The Department of Computer Science and Information  Technology treats plagiarism very seriously. When it is detected, penalties are strictly imposed. Students are referred to the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology’s  Handbook and policy documents with regard to plagiarism and assignment return, and also to the  section of ‘Academic Integrity’ on the subject learning guide. 

No extensions will be given: Penalties are applied to late assignments (5% of total assignment mark  given is deducted per day, accepted up to 5 days after the due date only). If there are circumstances  that prevent the assignment being submitted on time, an application for special consideration may be  made. See Student Handbook for details. Note that delays caused by computer downtime cannot be  accepted as a valid reason for a late submission without penalty. Students must plan their work to  allow for both scheduled and unscheduled downtime. 


Task 1 should be saved to a file named task1.txt. 

Task 2 should be saved to a file named task2.txt. 

Task 3 should be saved to a file named task3.txt. 

All the tasks above are to be submitted in soft-copy format using the CSE2/4DBF submission  link provided on LMS by 11:59pm, October 15th, 2021.  


The relevant SQL queries for the ‘ServiceMatch’ Database System. 

The required stored procedures, stored function, and triggers. 

NOTE: No built-in ORACLE column numbering (such as ROWNUM) or other ORACLE  ranking facilities (such as RANK) can be used in this assignment. 

Download the file ArchieSchema.sql from the LMS site and run it on APEX. This file contains  all the CREATE and INSERT statements you will need for this assignment. 

Run the schema file on APEX following the same process we followed to run a schema during the  labs (watch week 7 lab recording).  

NOTE: YOU DO NOT NEED TO INSERT MORE DATA INTO THE TABLES. The list of tables available for this assignment is the following

Manufacturer(manufacturerID, name, region) 

Model(modelNo, name, type, previousModel, manufacturerID) Car(VIN, dateAcquired, yearBuilt, purchasedPrice, askingPrice,  currentMileage, color, modelNo

Feature(featureID, desc, category) 

CarFeature(VIN, featureID

Customer(custID, name, DOB, streetAddress, suburb, postcode,  gender, phoneNo, email, type) 

CustomerPreference(custID, featureID

SalesAgent(agentID, name, DOB) 

SeniorAgent(agentID, yearPromoted) 

JuniorAgent(agentID, supervisor

SalesTransaction(VIN, custID, agentID, dateOfSale, agreedPrice) ViewingParty(viewingPartyID, contactNo, email) 

Organisation(viewingPartyID, name) 

InternationalGuests(viewingPartyID, country) 

CarsViewed(VIN, viewingPartyID, dateViewed, amountPaid) NOTE: PK is printed underlined, and FK is printed in italics. 

Task 1 [50 marks] 

Using the tables provided above, provide SQL statements for the following queries.  

  1. Display the name of the customer who has purchased the most cars from Archie’s Luxury  Motors. 
  2. For each sales agent, display their ID and name, along with the total number of sales they have  made thus far. Order by number of sales decreasing. 
  3. For each month in 2020, display the total profit (i.e., using the attributes purchasedPrice and agreedPrice) generated from car sales only. Do not consider any discounts. 
  4. Display the details (i.e., Manufacturer name, model name, type, and the number of times it was  sold) of the top selling European car model. Hint: use the manufacturer region information.  
  5. Display the average number of sales transactions (i.e., car sales) per month. Hint: count the  number of sales for each month, then divide the count by the number of years the dealership  has been making transactions for. 
  6. Display the total profit to date for Archie’s Luxury Motors. Note that you must take into  consideration all car sales (ignoring unsold cars as they may be sold later) and viewing party  shows, and any VIP discounts that may apply. Do not subtract any commission owed to the  senior sales agents. 

- Note: A VIP customer gets a 5% discount for any car purchase greater than or equal to  $50,000 AUD. However, the agreed price stored in the database is without the discount. For  each car sold to a VIP customer with an agreed price of $50,000 AUD or more, you should  subtract this 5% discount from the agreed price when calculating the profit. Also note that the  profit from each viewing party show is equal to the amount paid for the show. 

Provide the implementation of the following stored procedures and function. For submission, please  include both the PL/SQL code and code to execute (for the procedure)/SQL statement (for the  function) to demonstrate the functionality. 

  1. Write a stored procedure that accepts a particular year as input, and as output displays the  number of cars sold grouped by the 3 mileage groups (Low Mileage: <50000km, Medium  Mileage: >=50000km & <150000km, High Mileage: >=150000km). Also display the total number of cars sold overall. 
  2. Write a stored function that uses a senior agent’s ID as input and calculates the total  commission owed to date for that agent. You also need to show an SQL statement to display  the total amount of commission (i.e., the sum) owed to all senior agents in the database.

Implement the following tasks using ORACLE Application Express (APEX)

- Note: the commission policy states that a senior agent receives an additional 1% commission  multiplier for each year since they became a senior agent, rounding down to the nearest full year. This  means that a senior agent who was promoted 4.25 years before the date of sale, would have their  commission calculated as (agreedPrice – askingPrice) × 4%. Also, a senior agent receives the  commission only when the agreedPrice is greater than the askingPrice stored in the database. The  asking price in the database is not visible to customers. 

Task 3 [15 marks] 

Provide the implementation of the following trigger. For submission, please include both the PL/SQL  code and an insert statement to demonstrate the trigger functionality. 

a. A Trigger which automatically stores in a separate table called ‘ExcellentSale’ the Sales Agent  name, car model and manufacturer name, each time the agreed price of a  SalesTransaction is more than 20% above the car’s asking price. (Note: You need to  create the ‘ExcellentSale’ table before implementing this trigger. To create the primary key, use  a sequence that starts at 1 and increments by 1).


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