Teachers as Practitioners and Researchers Assessment 2


You will research experiences and issues in secondary education by initially collecting data by conducting two short semi-structured interviews with adults (duration 15-20 minutes). Then you will analyse your data from the interviews to identify educational issues themes explored in the interviews. By connecting these interview issues themes with literature, you will develop commentary and analysis about one 'big' educational issue experienced in secondary schooling experiences. You will present a synopsis of your educational issue case as an academic-style infographic poster. 

This Assessment task requires you to develop interview questions, conduct interviews, identify themes from the responses and investigate a key educational issue theme with academic sources. 

You will create an academic-style infographic poster of your findings to share with colleagues, and support your case study with an annotated bibliography on the academic resources used. 


  1. Using the interview guide developed in class, interview (and record*) two adults about their secondary school experiences. 
  2. Transcribe/note your interview data and then thematically analyse the transcripts following exemplar unit resources and activities. 
  3. Identify key quotes (3-5) from your main data analysis themes to bring to class. In workgroups in class you will collaboratively connect your participants’ experiences with key issues in education discussed in class and analyse these through links to academic and grey literature, policy and evidence-based practices. 
  4. Structure and compose an academic-style infographic poster about your focus issue in education through a scholarly analysis of your participants’ experiences and your reading. There are many academic-style posters and templates for such posters published online - so Google for design ideas. You will need to use subheadings, bullet points and graphics/figures to create an engaging and academic-style informative infographic poster, that clearly and succinctly explains and exemplifies the key educational issue topic through your data and literature analyses. Your academic-style infographic poster should include: 

    1. A brief introduction to the issue your report focuses on, and briefly introduce your interviewees. The introduction should include a rationale, through literature links, for this topic as one of interest to the field of education, and to pre-service teachers.
    2. Presentation of your key findings from the interviews, using your exemplar quotes and explanations / interpretations, and with with support from literature citations to connect your evidence with literature evidence about your focus issue.  
    3. Bullet points of implications from your findings related to 1) school organisation (processes, policy, guidelines, frameworks national, state or local, etc.); 2) teaching practices designed to support young people to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens; and 3) the value of narrative data for informing your work as teacher in the future. 
    4. A short conclusion that includes a reflection about this exercise including any impact on your personal preferences (developing philosophy) about teaching. 
    5. Annotated bibliography, as a separate document, which notes the references connection to your poster -  minimum 12 key references that are used in your poster  (approximately 100 words annotation for each reference). Refer to Annotated Bibliography explainers for format.
    6. Submit these two documents (Poster and Annotated Bibliography) via the Drop box . 

Note: There will be a display of Infographic Posters held in class time

*On past experience, most people will be happy for you to record the interview if you assure them a) that the recording is for your own note-taking and scholarly use only; b) that their real name will not be used in your written report; and c) your report will not be published anywhere. 


Assessment Criteria

  1. Introduction that includes:
    - Introduction to the focus educational issue/ topic/ theme;
    - Justification for this focus in relation to supporting student learning(s);
    - Justification for this focus as important in education and important to PSTs. (15%)
  1. Explanation and analyses that includes:
    - Explanations through data/literature connections;
    - Explanation through exemplar quotes from the interviews;
    - Critical analysis discussion of the quotes and/or related literature and/ or different standpoints on the topic. (30%) 
  1. Implications identified regarding:
    1) School organisation; 
    2)Teaching practices that support young people; 
    3) Narrative data as informing your future work as a teacher. (15%) 
  1. A short conclusion that includes:
    - A reflection about this exercise
    - Commentary on any impact this exercise has had on your personal preferences (developing philosophy) about teaching. (10%) 
  1. Visual Presentation (10%) 
  1. Supporting Annotated Bibliography follows academic writing protocols  (20%) 

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