BMA777 International Human Resource Management

Assessment 1: Workshop Contributions


To complete this task,

  • Every week you will be given two or three workshop activities, and you should actively contribute to the activities during the workshop in small groups.
  • The activities are provided on Mylo and in the class
  • The preparation for and contribution to workshops activities will help students learn weekly topics and contribute to class discussion in meaningful, fruitful, and insightful ways.
  • Weekly activities have 2 marks per week, as presented on Mylo (Week 4-Week 13).
  • All students (On-campus and Distance students) should submit their answers to the weekly activity in the written format  (200-500 words per Task) to the Assessment 1 folder individually.
  • The marks will be released weekly, and the activities will be discussed in the workshop, so students will be able to improve their responses.
  • No need for providing reference
  • Please keep in mind that there is one (1) correct answer for each activity. However, 75 percent of weekly mark is allocated to your knowledge and meaningful contribution and only 25% of mark is for providing the correct and complete answer. 
  • Meaningful contribution means your answers should relate to the topic, demonstrate your understanding of the relevant topic, and show your attention.

BMA777 International Human Resource Management

Assessment 2: Case Study Essay


Dear Students,

Please read the instruction carefully. This is an individual assignment. To complete this task, students are expected to:

  • Due date: Submit the assignment by Friday 23/09/2020 at 13 pm.
  • Referencing: Incorporate 15 academic sources (minimum) to support the discussion and use the Harvard referencing style. Failure to use a minimum of 15 scholarly sources will result in a penalty of 0.5 marks per missing source.
  • Word count: Adhere to the 2000-word limit (with a leeway of +/- 10%; does not include the cover page and the reference list). Failure to adhere to the word limit will result in a penalty of 0.5 marks deducted for every 50 over or under the word limit.
  • Structure: Use a formal essay-writing structure where numbered headings are utilised and the appropriate format used (cover page, introduction, discussion, conclusion, recommendations and reference list).
  • Submission: Submit the essay via Turnitin on Mylo under the Assessments tab.
  • Academic writing: Use the conventions of academic writing and the following structure.
  • The assignments must be typed on white A4 paper with 1.5 spacing, and a 2.5cm margin at the top and bottom of the page, and on the justify style.
  • You should use 12-point font for the text (14 point font for headings, if you like); Calibri format is preferred.
  •  The assignments should be grammatically correct and well punctuated. As a tertiary level student, a high standard of written English is expected. Your essay should be clear, concise, neatly presented, and easy to read. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a significant loss of marks. Essays should be submitted in Word format. 
  • PDFs are not acceptable and will receive 0.

BMA777 International Human Resource Management

Assessment 3: Poster Presentation


Dear Students,

You need to form your groups by end of week 3. Each group should have 3 or 4 members from the same class. Each group will select a topic related to the unit, and students in the group collaborate to complete their e-poster presentation.


The outcome of the group activity will be presented as a poster on week 11,12 and week 13 to the class. Students must read the marking rubric (on Mylo) before commencing their work. The lecturer will ask questions about the presentation, which will be part of the mark.

The presentations are 25 minutes long (15 minutes for presentation following a 10-minutes Q&R section with lecturer). 


The assignment has 40 marks, including peer evaluation (5 marks). Every student should evaluate his/her teammates and submit the form by Monday 11th of October at 13:00.  The peer evaluation form is available on Mylo (Assessment 3 tab)


Distance students

Distance students will prepare e-posters and will present their e-posters via the online sessions to the lecturer on Tuesday 5th of October at 6 pm  (Week 12) .

This is a Team assignment and 5 marks are allocated to peer-review. Thus, students should evaluate each other by filling the online survey. If you have 2 teammates, you need to fill the survey twice and if you have 3 teammates, you need to fill it three times. 

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