MGT2EMR - Employee Relations Assignment 1


Subject description: 

This subject introduces you to the key actors in Australia's employment relations system. You will explore the world of work, and the legal and regulatory frameworks which govern the employment relationship. You will analyse the role of trade unions, the processes of determining the terms and conditions of employment, and the responsibilities of employers to create a safe working environment. You will also explore how vulnerable workers are protected by the employment relations system. You will appreciate how conflicts and disputes between employers and employees can be resolved and reflect upon your own conflict management and negotiation skills.

Due Date: Monday 23 August 2021, 11:55 PM AEST
Format:   Written essay, 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Marks Allocated: 30% 

Individual Essay instructions


Data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggests that Trade Union membership in Australia has been in decline since the 1980s.  

In your essay, explore three key reasons for the decline in Trade Union membership or density in Australia over the last 35 years.  In formulating your arguments, draw on appropriate academic research, government statistics and commentaries from experts.


You may find this resource on Essay Writing helpful.

You should include 10 sources or references in your essay, at a minimum.  Make sure you cite and correctly reference your sources, using the Academy of Management referencing style

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