SS5103 | Post Graduate Research Methods for the Social Sciences
- Kearney, M. (1999). The Role of Teachers in Helping Children of Domestic Violence. ChildhoodEducation,75(5),290296.
This paper presents a safety plan for the teachers to help the children in schools to overcome the challenges of domestic violence. The author starts the article through giving an example of a seven years old boy who is going through domestic violence in his personal life and how his teacher identifies him through his classroom attitude and body language. Moreover, she then leads the article through a general definition of the issue, then the emotional stance of the children is explained and what the child feels in h/her mind and about the surroundings. For instance, the article includes the feelings of anger, fear, powerless, confusion, loneliness, shame, distrust and guilt. Moreover, a precise safety plan is explained by the author and how can the educational system implement it in order to avoid any violent behaviour of the students. Nevertheless, the responsibility of a social worker is also presented so that any worker who wants to help any student can do so easily. The author has also provided Do’s and Dont’s for the workers so that h/she might not harm or trigger the specific event in the mind of a child. Through the triggering of any abusive event the student can loose h/her mental capacity and can start misbehaving towards the social worker. Lastly, the author has also provided some classroom tactics for the teachers to help the children cope up with the challenges of domestic violence so that they do not have to deal with their demons in shape of different psychological disorders in the future. The paper can be helpful to the current research in the section of recommendations on how can different teaching professionals help the children cope up with the issues of domestic violence. Recommendations for the teachers are significant because they need to learn on how to help the children as they are the ones that can make a huge impact in the children life.
Byrne, D., & Taylor, B. (2007). Children at Risk from Domestic Violence and their
Educational Attainment: Perspectives of Education Welfare Officers, Social Workers and Teachers. Child Care in Practice, 13(3), 185-201.
The article has focused on how domestic violence poses a threat on the children and their academic performance from the viewpoint of social workers, professional teachers and education welfare officers in Northern Ireland. The study has employed a qualitative analysis that utilized semi-structured interviews taken from 4 individuals from each of given category. The results confirmed that the main impact of domestic violence can be upon a child’s academic performance and personal association in h/her life. The interviews provided an in-depth information about the students, the data provided that due to domestic violence the children opt for one of the two emotional routes. First is that children become antisocial and quiet, these types of children do not seek happiness from their surroundings and fight their battles on their own quietly. Nobody can detect what are they going through and what is going through their mind. Second is that the children become violent and loud which denotes that they transfer all the violent behaviour from their homes to the educational environment. The results of the interviews also showed that there is an increasing improvement when it comes to understanding or detecting the children going through domestic violence by the professional but there is not much collaboration between the categories of individuals through which they can make a change in the children life. The information cannot be shared among these individuals as there is a confidentiality clause that every professional must uphold but some of these must have been regarded through different group of professionals. Moreover, the authors recommended that there should be greater investment in multi-agency training and growth of the protective responsibility of the Education Welfare Service. It can be also added in the literature review under a new heading of perspective of Education Welfare Officers and how can they help the students overcome the issue along with making their lives easy in the future.
Abell, S., & Ey, J. L. (2008). Domestic violence: Its impact on children. Clinical pediatrics, 47(4), 413-415.
This paper is not a typical type of an article but its like someone is approaching the medical practitioner, Dr Sue. The response of the query is given in terms of a paper, the query is in the form of a worry by a wife who is stressed out due to the unemployment of her husband. The husband is idle and doesn’t have any work so why he is frustrated, he takes out his anger on his wife through mentally and physically abusing her. The wife truly loves her husband but the violence is impacting their children. The medical practitioner, Dr Sue has answered the mother through extensive research. The doctor has explained emotionally as well as rationally about how the abuse can negatively impact the children and their livelihoods. The doctor significantly points out the different surveys that have been conducted to aware the parents of the major impacts of the abuse on adolescents, new born babies and teenagers. Parents needs to be aware that how their one mistake can ruin the mental capacity of the children which can create multiple other issues like no proper concentration on education, the children become anti-social, they become negative towards others and doesn’t respect the elders. Moreover, the doctor also pointed out that due to domestic violence many of the children have multiple mental illness in their adult life like depression, trauma, low confidence, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety illness and many others. Parents need to be awareness of the possible consequences that ultimately ruin the lives of their children, they don’t notice but children do get impacted by the continuous abuse their parents are involved in against each other. This paper would help the current research in its first chapter that is the introduction because the facts and figures provided by the author. It can help in the research to first provide a brief overview of the general impact of domestic violence on children and then the can be helpful to change the paper’s course and specify the impact of domestic violence on the children’s education.
Cousins, M., & Callary, M. (2009). Domestic violence: An important social issue for schools. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 3(1), 3.
The article has been written by the social workers who help the students overcome the domestic violence in their personal life. Moreover, they have provided useful information on how the teacher and educational communities help the students by making a positive impact on their lives. The article briefly provides facts and figures on the impacts of domestic violence on the children through different surveys, literature and reports. The article not only explains domestic violence and its impact on children but also provide an overview on how it has become a gendered crime. Not only the issue is prevailing due to gender but also due to religion and ethnicities; the article presents an overview of the Christian women and children that have experienced domestic violence at the hands of their partners. The article also includes the stance of the women that is why don’t they leave their abusive partners as it is impacting their children. The article aware the individuals on detect the different signs that they can unconsciously ignore when a child exhibits thinking that the child is seeking attention. The article than states on how the teachers or professionals can help these students in overcoming the issues of domestic violence. The article is ended through the heading of supporting the students that is in other words some recommendations on how to help the students coping up the issues that they face due to domestic violence. These students do not have anyone except these teachers to help them during their worst, the teachers can help the students by listening to them and making sure that they are safe. The current research can also take an insight and provide a detailed version on how the children can be helped by the teachers under theoretical framework. If the researcher doesn’t want to bombard the literature then under the heading of recommendations the writer can provide a step by step guide on helping the children.
McGaha-Garnett, V. (2013). The effects of violence on academic progress and classroom behavior: from a parent’s perspective. Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS, 91
The article presents the study of the effects of violence on the education of the children from the parent’s point of view. The paper also presents the impact of violence on the classroom attitude of the children in the educational institution. The study employed secondary quantitative data from National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 led by National Center of Educational Statistics. The study investigated students in eight standard private as well as public schools in the country. About forty thousand schools were employed in terms of culture and race. There was another update on the current study which included students in tenth and twelfth standard as well as the investigation of the teenagers were also done in this paper by McGaha-Garnett. After the analysis the results showed that the teenagers who present violent behaviour in the classroom were more likely to receive less amount of punishment from the educational staff and were expected to present more inappropriate attitude with in the educational institutions. Likewise, youngsters that were socially active with violent classmates were more likely to display same inappropriate attitude. The educational institutions in the same neighborhood where there is an increasing rate of domestic violence can exhibit huge violent events from the children. Moreover, the violent behaviours in the houses can impact the learning process of the children in the schools while the children who belong to elite class can also transfer the violent behaviour they experience in their homes to the classrooms. This paper can help the current research in evaluating the point of view of parents under theoretical framework and might also research more about the parent’s perspective. The paper used as bibliography doesn’t provide a clear explanation of the parent’s viewpoint and just provide how does the domestic violence impacts the children. The current paper can be an addition to the literature in the new perspective.
Njoroge, D. N. (2014). Effects of Domestics violence on academic performance of public Secondary schools: A case of Muguga Location, Kiambu County (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi). M unable to open this please provide URL or change that.
The research paper investigated the impacts of domestic violence on the academic of the students in public high schools. The paper showed the impact in the African region of Kiambu Country which presents a research gap in the previous literature in regards to how does domestic violence negatively impact the academic performance of the students. The paper used a mix research method that is the utilization of quantitative as well as qualitative analysis, the population chosen by the researcher was school students and teachers from high school. The variables of the paper were domestic variable (independent variable), truancy, poor concentration, violence and school drop out (dependent variables). The quantitative analysis was done through conducting questionnaires among the respondents for the paper, the total number of respondents used for the research were 60 ranging from below 20 years old to above 50. The quantitative analysis indicated that domestic violence had a greater impact on poor concentration (78%), truancy (57%), school dropouts (52%) and violent behaviour (48%). On the other hand, the qualitative analysis was conducted through interviews and focus groups to accumulate data. Through the current analysis the author found out important information that is due to domestic violence majority of students aren’t going to school, they remain absent after they have gone through the episode of abuse. Moreover, the percentage of drop out and poor concentration is also persistent with the increase in domestic violence in Kiambu. Furthermore, qualitative analysis led the research to also focus on parents who are addicts, these types of parents also take out all their anger on their children through showing violent behaviour and impacting them negatively. The paper also provided recommendations in terms of therapy of students who have experienced domestic violence, educating the parents on how to stop abusing their children and alerting the authorities if a domestic violence case is heard. The research is important for my research topic because it can be a useful addition of domestic violence impacting the students in the literature review under international scenario of the abuse.