The current global pandemic has widely influenced worldwide both economically and socially.
Australia’s first case of COVID was reported on 22nd January 2020. For now, around 30,000 cases have been recorded and eventually, the government of Australia enforced a lockdown which affected the education sector of the country. The lockdown imposed due to the global pandemic has widely affected the academic year 2020 for the universities in Australia. The current pandemic challenges facing by Australian universities are mostly financial and health issues. Moreover, the ban on international students creates significant problems for the future revenue of the universities. From the university’s perspective, it is pretty difficult for them to manage their revenue and online education system and from the students’ perspective, online education couldn’t have done justice to them. More than one million teaching staff and students are waiting for these chaotic situations to end. Almost all Australian universities specifically are facing major financial risks as a result of COVID-19 on their international student programs. More than half the 38 universities are severely affected. The consequences of these challenges will affect the economic situation both in the long and short run.
Right now, more or less all educational institutes are dealing with financial risks. Accordingly, Australia’s revenue will be declining if the government does not lift up the ban on international travel in the country. Further, if international enrollments in university remain static it might be possible that students may consider other countries for higher studies. Australia is heavily dependent on the revenue it generates from international students; this fact is revealed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides, many students are demanding a refund for the fees they have paid for extracurricular activities because in reality they are only stuck with online studies and the mental pressure that comes with it. A few days ago, few international students released their statements while giving an interview to “THE PIE NEWS” regarding the government policies and university’s administration. Their statements are quotes below.
“I am really worried that if borders don’t open by January 2021, I will have no choice but to withdraw from my program which is not only educationally devastating but also emotionally devastating as I worked so hard to get into this program”
“Australia needs to know that students won’t wait forever, we value our careers and education too much. We will go elsewhere.”
Another student from Griffith University explained;
“Most of the time we get emails from our instructors highlighting that all these internships are just for national students, not for international students, or that webinars are just for national students, not international students”
While a student from the University of New South Wales appreciated the efforts of staff to make students comfortable, as Patrick Aung said
“I wasn’t expecting my university to be able to pull this off”
According to the research of Black Dog Institute and the University of South Wales that people aged 16-24 have been psychologically affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. As the global pandemic is not coming to its end, people are going through severe stress and physical health issues.
As a human everyone can relate that youngsters during university and college lives are mostly connected with their friends and social circle. In quarantine, these students are going through severe anxiety and depression as their maximum socialization and activities have been limited to zoom video sessions only. After being able to pay thousands of dollars fees in university and then stuck with the situation of pandemic creates a negative influence on university students and make them go through mental health issues. Students from mathematics and science backgrounds are facing difficulties in processing the conceptual topics as well students who graduated in the academic year 2020 are worried about getting bright opportunities in terms of jobs and careers.
In the current situation, many students are facing learning difficulties due to online classes. Though teachers are trying to deliver the best at the end, there’s a gap between teachers and students which needs to be filled. A national Australian survey revealed that according to the teachers, students are not confident if their students are learning well in the online education system, they revealed that students are only getting 50% to 75% of the whole course. Virtual learning system requires students to be motivated enough to go through all the assessments of their curriculum independently as it is hard for teachers too to answer their queries as compared to face to face learning.
Many universities have started giving tons of assignments to students on the assignment portal to analyze their understanding of courses which further makes students anxious in the COVID-19 situation. An estimated 1.8 billion students have been affected by a coronavirus and are not in a state of mind to complete their assignments in a short period of time which carries a specific weightage in their coursework, thankfully there are platforms for assignment help nowadays which are of great benefit to students in a way that helps the student to submit his projects before the deadline in nominal rates students can understand the course in a conceptual way as well as can get good grades. Experts in these platforms prepare assignments from scratch after doing deep research and critical analysis, so if only a student goes through the final version of the assignment once or twice, he can have full knowledge of that assignment without even doing it.
So, by getting help from the reliable assignment help platform students can get themselves out from the stress of assignments and work on their mental and physical health.
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