Tiger AIR Website Critique Assignment Help
Among the many Australian airlines, Tiger Airways is the one with the low-cost budget airline that operates in the South East Asian region. Tiger Airways was formed as a joint venture between Tiger Airways holdings and a Singapore based company that is owned by Singapore airline.
Like any other airline, Tiger Airways has its own website that operates separately as of its parent company. By having a first look on the airline website one can easily that its not that appealing as it should be.
A website in general is a collection of web pages, that contains text, images, along with audio and videos. Nowadays, websites are considered as the primary source of information and in case of airlines a way of making bookings and planning your trip (Sreedhar. G, 2011).
Hypertext is a type of database that is generally used for active cross-references and help in allowing the reader to jump on to other pages of the website, this eventually makes the reading and overall writing process of the reader as nonsequential. As for this reason the key for any website is its navigation, tiger airline website navigation is pretty easy as one cannot be lost between pages and the relevant information can easily be located. On the website home page there are seven main tabs that are located on the top, that will lead to other information regarding the airline or any other service that the visitor might be looking for such as flights, hotels, car hire and other information related to travelling. However on clicking on some tabs it actually takes you to a new window that not many people prefer. One of the links by the name of Holiday Deals is not active at all, though it does say ‘coming soon’ still it should open a new page with proper details, when will be launched and what will it be about.
The important navigation links like about us, contact us can only be found at the bottom, there’s no tab for such links on the tab, apart from that the contact details like toll free number, fax or emails should be provided on the top as well, incase if the customer wants to ask any query. Time to load a new page is not too much as majority of the pages got 90% of the text along with some small images.
Visual Effects
In terms of the visual effects, the website actually give you a dull effect once you have a look on it. The whole website is based on white background with only one image in the middle that doesn’t even change over time.
Below on the same page there are links but with no images at all only highlighting about the price and the trip. According to Fand & Salvendy (2003), attributes of ideal vendor websites usually include homepage layout, pleasing graphics, useful links, and detailed product descriptions. All these characteristics help the website to gain visitors attention, which make them stay longer on the website and eventually increases the purchase rate.
On clicking on the Hotel tab, the new page only show you details about the city to select and the select further details, the whole page is again on white background with hardly two images on the right hand column. A lot of space has been left blank on both left and right hand sides that can be utilized by adding promotional ads, or by adding other relevant and helpful links in order to create traffic towards the website or even links to Facebook page, twitter or other social media platform websites.
Over the last few years, the content industry itself has gone through some tremendous transformation specially in social computing. Engaging your audience through your website and to persuade them to purchase from you is now a challenge (Doerr. J, 2010). In the content section Tiger airways has done a good job by keeping its content simple and short. Though one should not forget the nature of the website, as for this reason not too much content is necessary. However, content with images and additional links to different forums, blogs and other social websites could have been added in the website in order to be able to grab visitors attention. A key strategy and approach where Tiger Air is missing out, is encouraging users to actively engage with the content and with one and another, through posting comments, conversing on user forums and also through sharing user-generated content (Preece. J, 2009). That can be achieved either within the websites themselves or through other computing platforms.
After analyzing Tiger Airways website there are few elements of the website that needs improvements. In terms of the website navigation, there are few links that opens the information on a new page whereas the majority of the links open the content on the same page, so this thing needs to be fixed. Every page should have a home page button, contact details should be on top rather then at the bottom and also a toll free number or other details should be present on all pages. In terms of the website visual effects the overall website lacks a lot, there’s no proper use of graphics or images, most of the website has a white background. For such website it is important to have good graphics that will attract visitors attention, it can be achieved by adding image links or even informational videos. Regarding the content, again the website doesn’t have creative content that engage the audience, even the website lack proper use of forums and blogs that can be integrated within the website where visitors can talk either with the staff members or even with one an other and provide their experience and other suggestions. By having all these features, the website infrastructure can be improved.
Preece. J, 2009. ‘The Reader-to-Leader Framework: Motivating Technology-Mediated Social Participation,’ AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction pp. 13-32.
Sreedhar. G, 2011, ‘MEASURING QUALITY OF WEB SITE NAVIGATION’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Fang, X., & Salvendy, G. (2003). Customer-centered rules for design of e-commerce web sites. Communications of the AMC, 46(12), 332-336
Doerr, J., Benlian, A., Vetter, J., and Hess, T. 2010. “Pricing of Content Services: An Empirical Investigation of Music as a Service,” Sustainable e-Business Management (58), pp. 13-24.