7008IBA Sample Interview Questions

  1. I’m a little familiar with (you/your company/this product). Could you just tell me a little bit about what you do (or what your role is here)?
  2. Because our project is interested in innovation in the Auckland North, I thought I’d start with a really broad question: How do you define innovation?
  3. Using your definition, what examples of innovation do you see in the Auckland region? What about specifically north of the bridge?
  4. The Government has said that NZ needs more innovative businesses. What do you think this means, specifically?
  5. What are the barriers that would make enhancing innovation more difficult, do you think?
  6. Where does the responsibility for being more innovative sit? (In other words, who should be doing the work of innovation or supporting innovation?)
  7. Are you involved in particular networks and collaborations that assist you with your own efforts to be innovative? How do you engage? What value is provided that keeps you engaged?
  8. What is missing from these networks for you? Are there firms or people or sectors you wish you could collaborate with, but find you’re unable to?
  9. Do you think that to enhance innovation here it would need to be physically close and specifically located? In other words, does innovation need to be formed around a particular place?
    1. Why or why not?
    2. (If yes) Where should the centre of innovation in the Auckland North be and why?

[Somewhere around here, ask: I have just a couple more questions. Are you still good on time?]

  1. Keeping that in mind, then, what would success look like? Or, in 5-10 years, what would you want to see in or for this area?
  2. Do you have any questions for me, or is there anything I missed that you would like to add?


Please note:

  • These interview questions are designed for another purpose (another research study). Your interview questions must relate to the assessment requirement. You can have a look at it as a sample but definitely have different interview questions. Otherwise, your interview will be off the track.
  • This interview is a much longer one. In fact, some lasted more than one hour. I recommend you design fewer interview questions that fit in your 30-45 minutes interview timeframe.

Nevertheless, these interview questions give you a feel about how interview questions could flow. Good luck with your interview everyone!

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