7008IBA Global Business Strategy - Interview Information Sheet

Global Business Strategy

Interview Information Sheet

Assignment Description

The assignment for this course requires me to interview a leader of an organisation that has direct or indirect involvement with international business, e.g. an exporter, a MNE, or a domestic business with international suppliers. For the assignment, I will discuss one or more of the following:

  • Describe your organisation, including the story of how you made strategic changes during Covid-19;
  • Examine what you believe works and what doesn’t work regarding the strategies you employed;
  • Discuss what you do to maintain and improve firm performance;
  • Identify what advice you would give to those who wish to improve their practices and be better prepared for future crises;
  • Relate what I have learnt from you to research and scholarship on global business strategy.

If you agree to participate, I will interview you and this will be in the form of a conversation. I expect this to take 30-45 minutes. 

I will take some notes, but I would appreciate your permission to record the interview so I can concentrate on listening.  You can ask me to pause or stop recording at any time.

I would prefer to be able to name you and your organisation but will anonymise my assignment if you ask me to.

You are under no obligation to accept this invitation.  If you decide to participate, you have the right to:

  • decline to answer any particular question;
  • ask for the recorder to be turned off at any time during the interview.
  • be given access to a summary of my assignment.

Your confidentiality     

All materials will be stored electronically in password protected files, only accessible to the immediate student group and the teaching team. The interview will be used for learning purposes only and will not be externally published/reported. The record will be retained for 12 months after the academic assessment has been issued and will be destroyed thereafter. 

Risks to you   

There are no foreseeable risks or disadvantages of taking part in the interview.

Your participation is voluntary

Your participation is voluntary. If you are in some form of dependent relationship (including Griffith University students, or users of a service or members of an organisation which could be perceived to be supportive of the research) your decision to engage in the research will in no way impact upon their relationship with that organisation. You are free to withdraw from the study at any time.

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