3040MKT - Digital and Social Media Marketing

The research-based assignment will be based on a real-world client that will be announced in the Week
2. There will also be a separate recording (client’s pitch) or written document made available that will
introduce the business along with some additional information that you can use to analyse the client. You are
NOT allowed to select your own client. You are NOT permitted to contact the client directly – any
questions you wish to ask must be firstly forwarded to your lecturer. In this assessment, you will offer your
client with a realistic analysis (written report) that promises a success. You will first need to create a Market
Opportunity Analysis Report based on secondary data research to understand a big picture of the market
and form the direction of your digital plan in the assessment 3.
This is a group (of max. 4 people) assignment. The length of your report should not exceed 1,250
words, including tables. Please note that the reference list and pictures/ figures/ diagram are not
included in the word count. All pictures, figures and tables should be included in the body of the report.
You should not attach any appendices.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Discuss principles of strategic digital marketing and the role of digital and social media channels.
2. Explain the role of digital marketing in the contemporary marketing environment.
3. Critically analyse and research digital marketing situations.
4. Apply marketing theory to create digital marketing solutions.
5. Digital communication and/or literacy.
Assessment Details
In this assignment, you will help your client to better understand the market situation and to identify their
potential target market, their digital challenges, and opportunities to improve their business using a digital
marketing strategy.
You are required to analyse a client who has partnered with this course. Remember, you are not permitted
to contact the client directly – any questions you wish to ask must be firstly forwarded to your tutor or
Assessment Format
In the workplace, it is not customary to be given a template to follow. However, in this document there is a
structure that outlines what you should include in this research-based assignment. It provides you with a step-by-step guide as to assessing your client. Despite the structure, please consider which information is most
pertinent to the client and ensure that you provide that in your document. You will of course need to include a
TITLE page and REFERENCE list, as usual.
What to include?
1. Title page
- No executive summary
2. Brief introduction
3. Situation Analysis
o Macro-environment
▪ Social
• Reflect of relevant digital trends, e.g. From passive to active content consumption
• Stories, communications trend, etc.
▪ Economics
• How is the economy situation influencing the organization or the product usage?
• Reflect on unemployment rate, income, purchase power, etc.
▪ Technological
• Reflect on the advancement of marketing technology
▪ Legal
• Data protection and privacy laws (e.g. GDPR laws, privacy act)
• Australian consumer law
▪ Political
• How is the political landscape influencing the organization or the product usage?
▪ Environmental
• Physical environment issues or how are the pro-environmental trend and regulations
influencing the organization or the product usage?



Relevant key points 

High or Low  

importance for  


Explain the impact  on client’s digital  campaign or  



-Economic growth,  Unemployment 



-e.g., From passive to  active content  




-Reflect on the  

advancement of  

marketing technology



-Data protection and  privacy laws 

-Australian consumer  law



-How is the political  landscape influencing  the organization or  consumers?




friendly issues



o Meso-environment 

Customer Analysis 

Competitor Analysis (Who are their 2 direct competitors and how do they compare?)

o Micro-environment analysis  

Company analysis  

  • Who is your client, what do they do and sell/ offer to the customers? 

Digital assessment (Use of Table can help minimize word usage): 

  • Audit of existing social media platforms (followers, number of posts, engagement  statistics, etc.). Make a comparison with the three key competitors identified in the meso environment.  
  • Email marketing assessment 
  • Website and landing page assessment 
  • SEO assessment (i.e., Google search using relevant keywords) 
  • Paid advertising assessment 
  • The organisation’s digital capability 

Summarize digital challenges: Identify 2 key digital challenges for the organization you  have selected, as a result of your digital assessment. Demonstrate and justify why these are  important issues that should be fixed (i.e. what would the benefits be of fixing these issues). 

  1. Personas and their journey maps 

Persona creation and customer journey mapping. Build a total of 3 personas (you can use the personas  from your previous assignment), include an actual picture or a drawing. Use the following four  segmentation bases to build your persona:  

o Demographics: age range, gender, marital status, children, education, job type o Geographic: where do they live? What does that tell us about their culture and lifestyle? o Psychographics: goals, values, aspirations, pain-points, hobbies and other lifestyle  

characteristics. What do they want to achieve and how can your product/services help  them? 

o Behaviour: 

Behaviours that are relevant to your product/service  

What are their digital behaviours (social media usage, preferred digital channels,  best point of contact, offline behaviours, how much time on their smartphone, laptop,  and tablet? Where do they get their information from? 

What are the customers supposed to do with your marketing? 

In this assignment, personas and their journey maps will be considered as figures, thus excluded  from the word count. Please try to be concise and informative in presenting the personas and journey  maps. 

  1. Reference List  

Harvard or APA format. Refer to https://www.griffith.edu.au/library/study/referencing.  Consistency is important. Minimum of 10 references. Please see the Sources and Referencing section  below on how to include appropriate references for this assignment. 

No appendices in this assignment. All content should be included in the body of the report. Sources and Referencing 

When compiling the report, you should take a practical applied view of marketing concepts. Therefore, it is  likely the some of the sources used in this assignment are considered non-academic, and this is fine. However,  you are still required to provide quality references from authorities that are respected and know what they are  talking about. Don’t just use the first google answer you can find and take this as your answer. Dig deep and  demonstrate that you have done your homework. 

You should also ensure a wide variety of sources to guide your research. These references should be a mix  of academic (journal articles) and non-academic (textbook, websites, news, trade articles) sources. It is  expected that you will conduct your own research from academic and trade journals to supplement textbook  material. All sources should be correctly referenced using APA or Harvard standard. Refer to  https://www.griffith.edu.au/library/study/referencing. Incorrect referencing will see marks deducted,  according to the criteria.

Digital Backups of your work 

To avoid losing your data, students are always expected to keep a copy of their work backed up. The best  strategy is to save your work in multiple locations. It is suggested to save your work on a computer, USB and  in your One Drive (attached to your student email) or any cloud storage after each edit, to save losing work.  “Losing your work” is not an acceptable reason to apply for an extension. Students are expected to retain  copies of all assessment items submitted until a final grade for the course has been awarded. Creating a  backup of all your computer files is highly recommended. 


This assignment should be submitted online through the SafeAssign submission portal by the due date. More  detailed guidelines on how to submit an assignment in SafeAssign can be found in the Assessment folder. 

It is advised that you submit your work first as a draft (see draft submission point) and read the similarity  report. The similarity report is designed to allow you to self-check for plagiarism. When you believe your work  is free of referencing errors and plagiarism, you should submit through the final submission link. Only two  drafts, and one final submission are allowed in the system. Please check before you submit, to ensure  that you submit the correct file. Please remember that similarity reports are not generated instantaneously  and can take up to 24 hours. 

Only one member of your group shall submit the assignment to the submission point.  

Please consider this when planning your time up to the due date and time, since high traffic in the  submission point can cause file upload failure. Penalties of 10% of the maximum mark possible are  deducted for each day the assignment is submitted late. Weekends count as one day. 

Return of Marks 

Your work will be marked online and returned by email from the marks centre. Marks will be uploaded to your  marks centre no later than 2 weeks from your submission.  

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