ITEC832 Enterprise Application Integration Assignment Help

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ITEC832 Enterprise Application Integration - Individual Assignment One

3. Based on the objectives of e-procurement, an automated, improved ‘To Be’ process is to be proposed. Use your imagination! The ‘To Be’ process is to be presented as a new BlueWorksLive Process.
Hint: Do not copy the As Is Process and make a few incremental changes. Start afresh and submit a simplified redesigned process. Provide your analysis. In particular, how have addressed the following problems:
a) Backorder problem. The supplier has no stock and the hospital does not find out for a week until the start of the next ordering cycle.
b) Three-way match problem. The Purchase Order, GRN (Goods Received Note) and Invoice from Supplier need to be matched by Accounts Payable to pay the supplier. These 3 documents often do not match resulting in a short or delayed payment to the supplier.
Again, as an extension exercise, you can consider the WAC of the To Be Process. You can make the following assumptions:
 IT capital investment of $50,000 for the ROI calculation
 ‘As Is’ and ‘To Be’ processes are each daily processes, 365 days p.a.
 Costs in the ‘To Be’ process are only a preliminary feasibility and do not have to be highly accurate.

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