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What Is An Opinion Essay? How To Write An Opinion Essay
An opinion essay is a piece of writing that gives the author’s perspective on a particular topic. It’s not a neutral analysis or summary of other people’s arguments, but rather an expression of the author’s own understanding and beliefs about the topic at hand. It might seem challenging to write an essay from this point of view, but it isn’t difficult if you understand what makes up this type of essay and know how to tackle it. An opinion essay will almost always have a specific thesis statement—a statement that explains your view on the subject matter. An opinion essay can be challenging to write because it requires you to stay focused on only a few key points in order for it to be effective. However, with practice, anyone can create an engaging and effective piece of writing.
Topic Selection Is The Key To Writing An Effective Essay
Whatever it is you want to write about, your topic selection will determine how effective your essay is. It’s the foundation on which your entire essay is built. One of the major advantages of writing an opinion essay is that you can choose almost any topic you want. There are no restrictions on the subject matter, so you can write about what interests you. At the same time, you’re not constrained to writing about a topic that someone else has already written about. If you’re struggling to decide what to write about, the best thing to do is to think about what you like to read and discuss. What do you like to spend your time thinking and talking about? What topics do you find yourself drawn to? These are all great topics for an opinion essay.
Finding a Good Topic
There are many ways to find a topic for an opinion essay. The most important thing is to choose a topic you feel passionate about. Once you’ve decided on a topic, the next step is to make sure it’s something you can write about. An essay on a topic you feel very little about is going to be difficult to write. You’ll probably find the writing process frustrating and difficult to complete. A topic that you have a passion for will be much easier to write. The best way to come up with a topic is to brainstorm. Keep a notebook with you and jot down any ideas that come to mind—or make use of a digital notepad or app. Write down anything you can think of, no matter how silly or far-fetched it may seem. If you have trouble finding a good topic keep reading till the end to find 100+ topic ideas for an Opinion Essay at the end of the blog.
Develop a Strong Argument
The most important part of an opinion essay is its argument—the reason/s behind your views on the topic. If you don’t have a strong argument, you don’t have an opinion essay. You have a rant that’s unlikely to be taken seriously. The best way to develop a strong argument is to use evidence. You need to support your viewpoint with facts or examples to show that what you’re saying is true. How you choose to present your argument is up to you. You can use a simple structure such as “first you do this, and then you do that.” Or you can use a more complex organization if you feel it’s necessary. If you’re having trouble coming up with a strong argument, try brainstorming. Make a list of everything that’s relevant to your topic, and then use that list to organize your argument.
Organization Is Key
The organization of your essay is important for two reasons: it shows your reader that you’re thoughtful and organized, and it makes the essay easier to read. If your essay is organized, your reader will be able to follow your argument easily and quickly. If it’s not, they’ll find themselves shifting through disorganized information and struggling to make sense of what they’re reading. Their reading experience will be much more enjoyable if you organize your essay properly, whether you choose to use a basic organization structure or a more complex one.
Summing Up
One of the biggest challenges of writing an opinion essay is staying focused on your main point. It’s easy to get sidetracked by tangential issues, but you need to stay on topic. While there’s no specific structure you have to follow when writing an opinion essay, there are some general guidelines: Start your essay with an introductory paragraph that gives your reader an idea of what the essay is about and why you’re writing about it. Next, you’ll want to state your main point or thesis statement, followed by a few examples to support it. In the last paragraph, you’ll want to summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement. You can also include a concluding sentence (such as “In conclusion, _________.”) to bring your essay to a close. Now you’re ready to begin writing an opinion essay. Good luck!
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100+ Topic Ideas For Opinion Essays
Political Science Opinion Essay Topics
- Should minors have the right to vote?
- Law should be equal for everyone
- Political Control Instrument: Gun Control
- How to help Eliminate Corruption?
- Religion Practice: Should Government control them?
- United States foreign policy is efficient?
- There is no freedom of speech in the media
- Socialism’s Pros and Cons
- True Reasons for Cold War
- Why US and Cuba relationship took a turn for the worst?
- Are whistleblowers in politics are controlled by the government?
- Is isolation imprisonment ethical
History Opinion Essay Topics
- Monarchy’s advantage in modern society
- The messenger of peace: Gandhi
- Symbolism in Ancient Egypt
- Gender bias in Ancient Rome’s ruling
- Is the history school curriculum irrelevant for present times?
- Holocaust Legacy as an opinion essay topic
- Bias in Vietnam War coverage
- Pearl Harbor Cause-and-Effect
- Should World War II archives be available?
- Is Bernie Sanders a socialist?
- Abolition of the Slavery controversy
- History of propaganda in the US media
- Martin Luther King’s message is distorted today
- American Workers’ Unions are ignored in modern society essay
Environment Opinion Essay Topics
- Global warming is a hoax
- There is not enough ecology education in schools
- Emissions may control greater penalties
- Government hides information about ecological damage
- Greenpeace activists are not always ethical
- Polar bears are the legacy of the entire world
- Fishing wars should have control at global levels
- Rainforests are affected by mobile networks
- Electric cars benefit
- Tsunami prevention system flaws
- Panama Canal creation as an opinion essay topic
- Should there exist global earthquake prevention financial funds?
- How many social strikes help highlight environmental damage?
- Hidden dangers of globalization
- Is chipping off animals ethical
Nursing Opinion Essay Topics
- Should nurses focus more on nursing theorists?
- How is ER room stress management supervised?
- Pharmacists and physicians should have closer cooperation
- Vaccination: forced or volunteer?
- Reasons for autism
- Should there be global medication control?
- Are herbal practitioners equal to traditional medicine?
- Reasons for medical personnel shortage
- Obama Care failures as an opinion essay topic
- Was that could prevent medical errors
- Should culture be obligatory in the healthcare curriculum?
- Should potentially dangerous medical information be made available?
- Medical marijuana was made illegal. Your opinion on this topic.
- Racial bias in healthcare
- Should children have a right to decide in critical situations?
Social Media Opinion Essay Topics
- Social media takes away the analytical element of education
- Facebook limits relationships’ depth
- Smartphone applications lead to addiction
- Should the Internet be censored?
- Do modern students rely too much on technology?
- Does social media promote environmental issues?
- Identity theft online as an opinion essay topic
- Cyberbullying versus physical bullying
- How should children be protected online?
- Do online media networks result in cultural bias?
- Is Twitter a political messenger?
- Smartphones’ influence on youth
- Should piracy be punished at greater depths?
- May technological advancement be dangerous?
- Is Facebook equal to a successful personality?
Education Opinion Essay Topics
- Are e-books dangerous?
- Should smartphones be forbidden at colleges?
- Private schooling is shadowing standard education
- Should teachers punish students?
- Comparison of American education to any other country
- Are online sources reliable for research?
- Are non-traditional schools more adjustable to real life?
- Should students learn only subjects they like?
- Distance learning benefits
- Should Latin be studied today?
- Campus violence is related to video games
- There should be an alternative to GPA
- Unintentional plagiarism as an opinion essay topic
- Is college only a financial debt?
- Should religion have a place in education?
- Are gender schools still relevant today?
Generation Gap Opinion Essay Topics
- Should parents learn how to communicate online?
- Music’s role in the generation gap topic
- How may one overcome the generation gap
- The link between fashion needs and crimes
- It is a lack of education in certain subjects that leads to generation gaps
- What are the key signs to identify the generation gap?
- Age difference in the workplace
- Hollywood image impact on different age marriages case
- Millennials’ typical signs as an opinion essay topic
- Should there be educational Internet courses for people over 60?
- Parents should have social media control tools
- Should teenage children’s parents follow the same fashion styles?
- How large is the generation pattern must be?
- What should the next generation include?
- Should preschool children be allowed smartphones?
Culture Opinion Essay Topics
- Modern pop stars are based on a vulgar power display
- XXI century fashion leads to eating disorders
- Acoustic instruments are replaced by computers
- Online communication distorts physical relations
- The Internet has ruined record companies
- Globalization has damaged traditional fashion elements
- Is modern culture based on past decades?
- Popular Korean pop music as an opinion essay topic
- Biased attitude in rock music
- Youtube stars Phenomenon topic
- How may piracy be controlled?
- Online streaming – Pros and Cons
- Political strikes & Cultural aspect
- Traditional cuisine of China and Thailand in the United States
- Anti-war culture today as an opinion essay topic
Psychology Opinion Essay Topics
- Should companies screen future employees for mental issues?
- Children with ADHD syndrome should be divided into special classes
- Artists are hidden geniuses
- Negative effects of violence on the media coverage
- Could animals help reduce stress?
- Physical education’s role in anxiety reduction
- Anorexia phenomenon as an opinion essay topic
- Diets & their negative impact
- School conflicts negotiation tips
- Inaccurate sleep patterns impact
- Modern role models cannot be applied in real life
- Meditation psychological effect topic
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