PUB210 Concepts of Epidemiology - Assessment Task 2

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Question 1

What effect would each of the following have on (i) the incidence rate, (ii) the prevalence and (iii) the duration of the disease? Please include your reasoning. Please note that you are required to provide responses to i), ii) and iii) for each of (a), (b) and (c) below.

(a) The introduction of a new drug that cures a previously incurable but non-fatal non-communicable disease (1 mark)

  1. incidence rate
  2. prevalence
  3. duration of disease

(b) The introduction of a new drug that prolongs survival but does not cure a fatal non-communicable disease (1 mark)

  1. incidence rate
  2. prevalence
  3. duration of disease

(c) The introduction of a new vaccine that prevents most people from developing a disease. Vaccinated people who still develop the disease recover more quickly than unvaccinated people. (1 mark)

  1. incidence rate
  2. prevalence
  3. duration of disease

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